Burning Textures #2 - Moon Over Water
Burning Textures and Patterns - #2 Moon Over Water. By Sue Walters. This is #2 in a series of free videos I will be presenting on YouTube. The series will be quite extensive and will focus on using wood burning tools to texture and pattern surfaces and objects. NOTE: In this first video I make mention of two other textures and that their links will be on this introduction. I haven’t quite finished editing those ‘One Side Fade’ but I will have it done within a week. The ‘Basket Weave’ video can be found at this link: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=ulUe8ECsMHM Pyrography or, ‘woodburning’ is unique as a drawing technique. It's one of the very few mediums where an impression can be made into the surface as the drawing takes place. The benefit of this is that pyrographic tools can be used to texture and pattern surfaces in a way that is almost 3D in effect. These textures can be applied to: decorating flat objects, doing gourd work, decorating 3D and turned objects and folk art. They can be burnt on wood, leather, paper, gourds and many other natural materials. The possibilities are virtually endless: the results are stunning and it is seriously fun to do. After the entire series has been uploaded I will bundle up the videos for sale as a DVD. The DVD will have printed patterns, coloured pictures and other additional information. More to follow on this at a later stage. Please subscribe to me on YouTube to be notified of further video releases. Copyright, Sue Walters 2016